accretion u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Prevodi za accretion u rečniku italijanski»engleski (Pređite na engleski»italijanski)

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

However, as a river gradually changes through accretion, the boundary changes with it.
The jet of materials being ejected is occasionally choked off by a hot wind blowing off the accretion disk.
The original plan form is still clearly visible, despite the accretion of later development.
A body can increase in bulk, only by the farther separation of its parts, in expansion, or by the accretion of new parts.
Local concentrations of mass known as planetesimals form, and these accelerate the accretion process by drawing in additional material by their gravitational attraction.
Water masers are useful to observe nuclear accretion disks in active galaxies.
Moreover, the eccentricity and inclination of current orbits makes the encounters quite violent resulting in destruction rather than accretion.
These conditions exist in the orogenic belts that result from either two continental tectonic collisions or from subduction zone accretion.
A number of studies appear inconclusive as to the nature if erosion or, conversely, accretion of sediment in the area.
The outer disk is further heated by intense radiation from the inner accretion disk.

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