accrual u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

accrual u rečniku PONS

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Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Living in one spot would have more easily permitted the accrual of personal possessions and an attachment to certain areas of land.
Businesses using the accrual method of accounting may recognize revenue or expense in one period and receive or pay it in another.
A taxpayer using the accrual method (accrual basis taxpayer) recognizes income when earned.
An accrual basis taxpayer looks to the all-events test and earlier-of test to determine when income is earned.
In contrast, some businesses start as accrual method taxpayers because businesses use different rules for recording income and expenditures.
The note rate (or accrual) rate is used to calculate the interest added to the loan balance each month.
He or she may gain extra yield over a regular bond by buying a range accrual note instead.
The receiver of the range accrual coupons is selling binary options.
In the rental industry, there are specialized revenue accruals for rental income which crosses month end boundaries.
But instead of using projected balance sheet accounts, large accruals are reversed and cash effects are calculated based upon statistical distributions and algorithms.

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