uni'versity graduate u rečniku PONS

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I.gradu·ate N ['græʤuət]

III.gradu·ate VB trans ['græʤueɪt]

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Peeler, a 1991 graduate of the school, was elected to the board in 2003.
Here was a senior financial executive with two graduate degrees tremulous at the prospect of unspecified retribution if he dared proceed.
We were passed to a superior officer, an honours graduate of the charm school who quickly announced that he was impounding our equipment.
Aoi is a high-school graduate who, despite his punk-like appearance and manner of dress, is well-educated.
She was the only woman to graduate in the colleges first landscape architecture class in 1920.
In 1968, he ended his career there as a graduate teacher.
Research suggests that listening audiences are between the age of 15 and 45 years of age and in general educated to graduate level.
Graduate students are registered at one of the three universities according to their supervisor, but can take courses at any of the campuses.
The nine are predominantly graduate students from middle-class backgrounds, from 22 to 34 years old.
They are currently senior design studio faculty at the school, teaching studios and seminars in both the graduate and undergraduate programs.

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