preordained u rečniku PONS

preordained Primeri iz rečnika PONS (ručno uređeno)

to be preordained to fail
he was preordained to succeed

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Every match, goal, controversies, transfer -- every action that has occurred in 90 minutes on the pitch or beyond it, is preordained.
However, saving the astronauts was neither the most probable outcome of that particular crisis nor was it preordained in any way.
The outcome is preordained, if not the timing.
I look forward to gathering the evidence showing how certain individuals made sure the outcome was preordained.
And even if it took him until age 53 to fully learn why he chose a path that seemed almost preordained.
It was a meaningless mime, a ritual, a kabuki drama in which the outcome was utterly preordained.
Whether you're talking about history or about life, nothing is preordained.
She eventually enters the palace, knowing that her fate is preordained and unavoidable.
Lab employees began to work backwards, from a conclusion preordained by the prosecutors they served, and sought to justify that conclusion rather than using more scientific research paradigms.
When you meet the person you are meant to be with, there's this overwhelming feeling that this was preordained.

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