checkbook u rečniku PONS

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checkbook Primeri iz rečnika PONS (ručno uređeno)

Am to reconcile accounts/one's checkbook FIN

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

I trusted her with my checkbook and credit card and took me for tens of thousands.
His state-paid aides balanced his checkbook, bought condoms and arranged his dinner dates.
Questions range from basic skills such as making change, calculating tips, and balancing checkbooks to basic probability, algebra, logic, and geometry.
Now it's time to open up your checkbook.
Nontraditional students are more likely to have real life experiences like balancing their checkbook, taking care of sick people or dealing with death.
Good at making money is even better, but it's great if she can keep her eye on the checkbook and make educated purchasing decisions.
He hated being trotted out to cajole financiers wanting to look him over before opening the checkbook.
In some cases, when families requested to be sent a full payout in the form of a check, the family was sent a checkbook, rather than the amount due.
Most individuals begin as cash method taxpayers because their first form of bookkeeping is a checkbook.
Some mainstream journalists expressed criticism of his checkbook journalism.

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