valorous u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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In order to receive rewards for valorous deeds from the bakufu, it was necessary for the deeds to be witnessed by others and reported directly.
He was not only a valorous soldier but also a noted scholar.
In order to receive rewards for valorous deeds from the "bakufu", it was necessary for the deeds to be witnessed by others and reported to the "bakufu" directly.
An energetic king is one who is valorous, determined, quick, and dexterous.
Despite his valorous act both men were wounded.
It is typically awarded to officers ranked major (or its equivalent) or higher, but the honour has sometimes been awarded to especially valorous junior officers.
His valorous example rallied the beleaguered defenders to repulse and defeat the enemy onslaught.
In addition to the recipient's name, the reverse reads for exceptionally valorous service, given in the act of saving the life of another.
The attack was repulsed as the walls of the city proved too strong and the garrison, presumably "limitanei" troops, too valorous.
I have been at all times valorous, and wherever there has been hard fighting have held my own among the foremost.

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