sunbaked u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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In the shorter run, or if trees won't work, put other types of tall plants -- giant reed, sunflowers, or even corn -- along the sunbaked sides of the house.
Heap clouds form with localized ascent, such as a column of air rising off an especially warm spot of sunbaked earth -- "fair weather" clouds.
The speedy unexpected connection with the rock-hard, sunbaked ground had covered me in dust and shattered two of my back teeth which fell out a couple of days later.
The main square is a relaxing people zone surrounded by inviting cafes filled with deliriously sunbaked tourists.
Solar power would obviously be best captured in the sunbaked deserts of the world... which tend to be places poorly served by the requisite gargantuan transmission corridors.
It is hard to believe they have been made totally by hand and will crack the dust in the sunbaked countryside.
Your senses will awaken with the gorgeous fragrance of roses and jasmine, while vibrant red bougainvillea vines run riot over the sunbaked buildings.

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