sumptuary u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

The ceramic vessel, which has slightly divergent cylindrical walls, a flat bottom, black spots and a red slip on its bottom, was associated with other sumptuary objects.
Sumptuary regulations regarding dress and ornamentation were carefully observed.
Because of the importance of social class, sumptuary laws were enacted, regulating dress and housing, including allowable styles, materials and frequency of purchase for different classes.
Ignoring sumptuary laws imposed by the shogunate, he lived in luxury while his subjects and retainers fell deeper into poverty.
Common targets of sumptuary taxes are alcohol and tobacco, gambling, and vehicles emitting excessive pollutants.
At the times of passing these sumptuary laws, the trade interests of women were protected by the legislature.
In some old statutes, very curious sumptuary regulations as to women's dress occur.
Traveling was regulated and conspicuous consumption discouraged through sumptuary laws.
With the wages of the lower classes still rising, the government also attempted to regulate demand and consumption by reinstating the sumptuary laws in 1363.
In some cultures, sumptuary laws regulate what men and women are required to wear.

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