sump u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

sump u rečniku PONS

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Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

It also had some modern features, including a new foot-change gearbox and dry sump lubrication.
Alternative sump pump systems can be driven by municipal water pressure.
So, the connection from the sump to the interface valve should have a diameter of 75mm so that no blockage point is created.
Left goes to a sump some 9 m long which has been passed to a further 15 m before becoming too tight.
Weight-saving measures include aluminum chain cases, oil sump, motor mount arms, accessory mounts and a cartridge-style oil filter housing.
When (for instance) a car attempts to transverse the sump buster, the device will demolish the vehicle's oil pan (literally busting the sump).
The last of these pitches was found to take a small stream, which was followed at the base of the pitch to a sump.
The faults frequently mark the position of the sumps (permanently flooded sections of the cave) with typically significant open passage between faults.
Because of the dry sump's external oil reservoir, excess air can escape the oil before the oil is pumped back through the engine.
At the far side of this sump the water flows for a short distance and then enters downstream sump 1.

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