stockyard u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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stockyard u rečniku PONS

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

An extensive station evolved with a freight shed, stockyards and a massive water tower to supply the requirements of the steam locomotives.
The routes selected for 24-hour service were those serving 24-hour employers such as factories, stockyards, and railway yards.
These and other early 20th century businesses, including stockyards, a dairy farm, a shingle company, and a lumber mill, flushed waste products into the slough.
Another early industry was meatpacking and stockyards, concentrated in one area to limit their nuisance to other jurisdictions.
The fort was completed and contained several homes, a blacksmith shop, along with a corral and stockyard for the animals.
Two giant stockyards were opened and meat packing quickly became the city's main industry.
The rail yard consisted of main line, crossing loop, four sidings, goods shed siding, backshunt, turntable and locomotive depot, stockyard and private sidings.
The town boasted a railway station, 3 grain elevators, a stockyard, hotel and boarding houses.
The hitching posts that surrounded the hotel are long gone, as are the packing plants and stockyards.
By 1886, four stockyards had been built near the railroads.

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