spaceship u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

spaceship u rečniku PONS

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Prevodi za spaceship u rečniku italijanski»engleski (Pređite na engleski»italijanski)

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

The spaceship flies over the city, beaming its citizens up one at a time and then flying to a nearby volcano to drop them in.
Every two iterations these spaceships appear to have been glide reflected to their new positions.
He is the arch villain in the series, and possesses a large fleet of spaceships and robots.
Some sequences involve minigames, such as an unnamed mission in which the player pilots a fighter spaceship to destroy enemies with lasers.
The blue lines show the routes assigned to various spaceships.
In addition, the spaceship located on the front of the vehicle can be detached to locate and transport energy crystals back to base.
In official reports for the general audience there was no information about the production of rockets or spaceships.
Things are looking really bad, until a spaceship rushes in to the battlefield.
The decision to launch more than a single spaceship first may therefore save a few seconds if the player loses a life.
The player pilots a spaceship through an open world universe pursuing trading, combat and other missions.

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