intangible u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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intangible u rečniku PONS

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intangible Primeri iz rečnika PONS (ručno uređeno)

intangible assets

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Along with the more traditional business transactions the critical intangible exchanges are also mapped.
His artistic endeavours no longer concerned themselves with physical accuracy, seeking only to capture the essence of an intangible, personal and intimate moment.
In addition to intangible rewards, volunteers can add relevant experience to their resumes.
He then uses that statue or that symbol in future ceremonies to contact that intangible energy once again.
Not complaining was therefore an entirely intangible benefit.
Intermediaries in the tourism sector are used as to move offerings of tourism (which are intangible).
However, the term may be used to describe a person who manages intangible products, such as music, information, and services.
He could become visible, but intangible, or visible and tangible as he desired.
An intangible good can be easily replicated, so after producing the first copy, further production cost is minimum.
And a focus on the transitional stages in life, those big events that make everything else become lucid and intangible.

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