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fanatics u rečniku PONS

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Prevodi za fanatics u rečniku italijanski»engleski (Pređite na engleski»italijanski)

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Then the woman transforms herself along with a group of fanatics into ghosts and shadows.
They were fitness fanatics who often made fun of their opponents and the fans.
To-do list fanatics like me drool over good apps that sync seamlessly across multiple devices.
This draws many cycling fanatics to cycle the cols and watch the race.
So until now, smartphone owners had to choose between looking like ignorant communication-fanatics, or clumsy technophobes.
Fanatics, however, would have to dish up quite a few dollars to be able to sit in first class style at home.
I name fanatics, followers, blind women, oppressors, thieves, ranchers, rustlers, riders.
Anime fanatics tend to either love or hate the series as it is considered either wildly funny, or tasteless and depraved.
How did a fringe group of fanatics become the poster boys for a religion of more than a billion people?
These fanatics, with very little material at stake, raced each other into war.

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