entrapment u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Many charges were dismissed due to entrapment, but several men were given harsh sentences.
Like other whale species, bowheads tend to avoid ice-chocked channels and passages because of the possibility of entrapment and death.
The last major entrapment events occurred when there was little to no wind.
The findings of indicate that wettability can have a dramatic effect on residual oil entrapment.
The mechanism of repression is thought to involve a conformational switch in the pseudoknot region and ribosome entrapment.
Entrapment requires the synthesis of the polymeric network in the presence of the enzyme.
These influences also have an effect on the actual amount of realized liposome entrapment and the actual quality of the liposomes themselves.
Entrapment can be between lattices of polymer, known as gel entrapment, or within micro-cavities of synthetic fibers, known as fiber entrapment.
Those were the last reported cases of such police entrapment.
The stationary phase can then be removed from the mixture, washed and the target molecule released from the entrapment in a process known as elution.

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