ear-shaped u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

The body of this semi-slug is too large to be contained in the very flat and depressed ear-shaped shell.
They were often left without handles, but some types were equipped with ear-shaped projections or lugs into which holes were punched.
Some are sprinkled with powdered sugar, while other shapes, such as the donkey ear-shaped khapseys, decorative.
The upper half presents in front an ear-shaped surface, the auricular surface, covered with cartilage in the immature state, for articulation with the ilium.
Leaves - ovate to orbicular, unequal-sided to cordate base, pointed to rounded apex, serrate margins, lateral veins 3-5 at base; stipules ear-shaped with many veins.
The depressed shell is ear-shaped and rather rounded in outline.

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