dreamlike u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

dreamlike u rečniku PONS

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

When left alone, the subject would slowly lapse into a stuporous state with dreamlike episodes characterized by complex and quasi-purposeful gestures and movements (enacted dreams).
The dreamlike female figure that around the turn of the century was captivating and fresh became a clich.
The work portrays rural life while keeping a dreamlike quality.
By filming in black and white, movies can sometimes be more dreamlike and elegant and stylized and mysterious.
His paintings are surreal dreamlike visions of sunset shadows of bicycles, nuns in front of mural-painted brick walls, and children playing.
In this new style his intent was to portray different qualities of emotion in a dreamlike state.
She began by integrating her sculptures with interactive dancers, using special effects to create dreamlike work.
His installations comprise interconnected environments that take the visitor into a fantastic, dreamlike universe which is both aesthetically pleasing and psychologically disquieting.
His dreamlike state connects these two realities; this small bit of magic makes these multiple planes of reality possible.
The final result, however, has a pleasing and appropriate dreamlike quality.

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