depopulated u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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depopulated u rečniku PONS

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

The population had declined to 140 by 1966 due to a decline in fish stocks and the community was depopulated in 1967.
This is evident in that of all communities in shrinking rust-belt cities, the working-class neighborhoods tend to depopulate the quickest.
In 1950 the village was depopulated completely, being a part of the new restricted border area.
It has been claimed that the village was depopulated as a result of the fighting.
It was established in 1895, and was automated and depopulated in 1973.
By now the whole area had become depopulated, impoverished and marshy.
He had no remorse in ravaging and depopulating his subjects' lands when it seemed to be to his political advantage.
For 70 years population of the village stagnated but began depopulating in the 1990s.
The island was then depopulated and its people dispersed.
Barely thirty years later, it was decided that it was no longer economically viable and the settlement was mostly depopulated by 1998.

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