conformable u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

There's one big obstacle holding back flexible electronics and conformable wearables, and that's stiff and bulky li-ion batteries.
There's no doubt he's paid little tax in his life which explains his conformable lifestyle, but does that mean the money comes from theft, that's not at all sure.
As a result, this contact is inferred to be conformable or only locally a disconformity.
But the question is, what is to be reckoned as conformable to the exigencies and dignity of our rational nature?
The interiors of the siphuncles are filled with nested calcareous deposits that form endocones, conformable to the interior shape, leaving a narrow irregular central tube.
He admitted that there are many tastes, but believed that these tastes are all conformable to the different characters of the various populations and cultures of the world.
In certain areas, the contact is conformable in others, there is an unconformity.
Conformable displays will allow users to forget the device they are wearing, and use it conveniently.
They are slightly drapable and conformable and are typically called as semi-pregs due to the presence of most of the resin on the fabric surface.
Two types of contact between conformable strata: "abrupt contacts" (directly separate beds of distinctly different lithology, minor depositional break, called "diastems") and "gradational contact" (gradual change in deposition, mixing zone).

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