ceased u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za ceased u rečniku engleski»italijanski (Pređite na italijanski»engleski)

I.cease [Brit siːs, Am sis] N

Pojedinačni prevodilački parovi

Prevodi za ceased u rečniku italijanski»engleski (Pređite na engleski»italijanski)

Pojedinačni prevodilački parovi

ceased u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za ceased u rečniku engleski»italijanski (Pređite na italijanski»engleski)

cease-fire [ˌsi:s·ˈfa·ɪɚ] N MIL

Pojedinačni prevodilački parovi

Prevodi za ceased u rečniku italijanski»engleski (Pređite na engleski»italijanski)

ceased Primeri iz rečnika PONS (ručno uređeno)

cease fire! MIL

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

The 74000 series ceased production with the advent of electrical recording in about 1925.
Meanwhile, while the attack itself had ceased, jittery sailors, marines, and soldiers were not so sure.
Eventually the extraction of saltpeter ceased due to its cost inefficiency and the administrator's inability to retain sufficient labor.
By special dispensation, some analog television signals ceased on the original date.
After milk trains ceased in 1965, the railway track was lifted and the station fully closed.
The BSE finally ceased operations in the early 1970s.
When the railroad ceased using electric locomotives in 1972, the catenary was removed, the supports were kept in place.
Thereafter, her spirit ceased to trouble the town.
His convivial habits having led him into irregularities peculiarly inconsistent with his profession, his connection with this congregation ceased about 1783.
After the prototype was fashioned and a complete set of parts were fabricated, funding for the vehicle ceased.

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