cauldron u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

cauldron u rečniku PONS

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Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

They then hung cauldrons of oil from the masts, so that they would fall onto the deck once the masts burned through.
The decorated copper cauldrons were apparently used for ritual ceremonies.
Sometimes the tripod was used as a support for a lebes or cauldron or for supporting other items such as a vase.
The shape of the falls before its development resembled a large cauldron.
It had around 4,500 containers to be used to raise fleas, six cauldrons to produce various chemicals, and around 1,800 containers to produce biological agents.
A shop at the souk sells tagines cooked over kanounes (cauldrons).
The preparation results in a column of white condensed water vapor cloud, reminiscent of popular depictions of witches' cauldrons.
On the left side, a large figure is immersing a smaller man in a cauldron.

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