caul u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

It consists of a tufted caul with short sleeves.
In order to prevent the person from becoming a vjesci, the caul was removed, dried, ground and fed to the person on their seventh birthday.
Then wrap them in caul fat and roast in a hot oven for five minutes each side.
Caul manages to break the membrane around the bottled city, enlarging himself.
Caul confirmed the new tower weighed 14,000 pounds, although previous estimates rang in at 17,000.
Caul decides to abandon the others trapped in the city.
A fancy caul could be made of satin, velvet, fine silk or brocade, although a simple caul would commonly be made of white linen or cotton.
This statistic includes caul births, which occur more frequently than authentic en-caul births; therefore authentic en-caul births are rarer than the statistic indicates.
The caul was supposed to protect him when he flew as a zduha.
If removed too quickly, the caul can leave wounds on the infant's flesh at the attachment points, which may leave permanent scars.

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