alpinist u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

He was a competent alpinist, with at least half of his ascents being made guideless.
Most are alpinists, climbers, or skiers.
This is evidenced by changes in its marketing imagery, which historically focused on high level climbing and alpinist imagery.
A dozen peaks exceeding 3,000 meters also surround the river, making a prized destination among alpinists.
The use of oxygen is widely accepted in the alpinist community.
Many mountains attract a large number of alpinists from around the world, especially the 4000-metre summits and the great north faces.
The film is about an alpinist who falls to his death while climbing a dangerous peak.
Waterfalls in this wildness are more and more attractive to mountain-climbing, turists and fishermen, and vertical rosky wall under river's fools down is sutable to alpinists exercises.
Some of the teachers are distinguished by activities in other professional areas, there are sportsmen, alpinists and book writers.
These early traders routes and techniques that would later inspire modern alpinists.

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