al-Qaida u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Prevodi za al-Qaida u rečniku italijanski»engleski (Pređite na engleski»italijanski)

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Fighting also flared in other hotspots around the country, which has the world's most active al-Qaida-inspired group.
A small al-Qaida-influenced group has been suspected in some of the more recent attacks.
These attacks have produced the broadest, deepest and most rapid reduction in al-Qaida senior leadership that we've seen in several years.
Hosting a webcast with al-Qaida members.
Authorities say suspects are members of an extremist group linked to al-Qaida.
We want viewers to laugh about al-Qaida.
The neighborhood fell quickly, but only after a fierce battle, and eventually turned into a base for al-Qaida-led insurgents.
The group denies any link to violence and an al-Qaida-inspired group has claimed responsibility for most of the attacks.
We now know that that was al-Qaida.
The official said an early investigation indicated the attackers were members of al-Qaida, which lately appears to have stepped up high-profile attacks in the south of this impoverished country.

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