PHI u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

PHI u rečniku PONS

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

A mathematical correction factor, known as the phi-factor, can be used to adjust the calorimetric result to account for these heat losses.
It is sometimes referred to as base-, golden mean base, phi-base, or, colloquially, phinary.
It is the equivalent of the phi (strange quark, strange antiquark), psi (charm quark, charm antiquark) and upsilon (bottom quark, bottom antiquark) mesons.
In phi-value analysis, the folding kinetics and conformational folding stability of the wild-type protein are compared with those of one or more point mutants.
A more plausible theory to explain motion perception (at least on a descriptive level) are two distinct perceptual illusions: phi phenomenon and beta movement.
It is generally the case that conservative substitutions on the surface of a protein yield phi values near 1.

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