drenched u rečniku PONS

drenched Primeri iz rečnika PONS (ručno uređeno)

to get drenched to the skin
drenched in sweat

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

You'll be treated to a pile of shaved ice topped with fruit and drenched in that pickled chile fruit sauce we mentioned earlier.
The poor walked, and might be splashed by the wheeled vehicles and drenched by slops being thrown out and water falling from the overhanging roofs.
A brown, sticky substance formed over the surface and when the lava was drenched in sterilized water a thick, brown liquid leached out.
It is carried home on the last waggon, and then thoroughly drenched with water.
The chicken is drenched prior to serving with "nam", a sauce prepared with chopped garlic chives, ginger, sesame oil and soy sauce.
The album was critically acclaimed as a calculated lunge forwards, with highly developed lyrical themes and string-drenched arrangements.
The dialogue is drenched in insider information, yet is so well done that it attracts, not repels, the outsider.
One common factor they share is that key staff or founder members are drenched in university training and research.
The show premiered to scathingly poor reviews from both amateur and professional critics, who found the show drenched in insipid humour and lacking in cohesion.
They then pushed it through the town to his front door where they drenched it with petrol and set it on fire.

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