confined u rečniku PONS

confined Primeri iz rečnika PONS (ručno uređeno)

he was confined to the house
to be confined to quarters MIL

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Until then flats had been confined to short-term unsaleable tenancies, with varying degrees of statutory rent protection and security of tenure.
The questioning of theism was not confined to abstract concerns in philosophy, but also developed as modern historical consciousness dawned.
He is estranged from his son, whom he confined to a mental hospital.
Wooded areas are confined to the northwest and northeast of the plateau.
Frequent bouts of illness, however, kept him confined to bed until the following spring.
The poor creature is confined in small bamboo cages and fattened like a goose on plentiful portions.
Overruling was properly confined to those rare cases where specific legal rules had proved to be unworkable, or where to continue to apply them would perpetuate injustice.
At the end he was swathed in so many bandages as to be unrecognizable, and confined temporarily to a wheelchair.
He died in 2008, aged 83, having been confined to bed for a few months following a heart attack and a stroke.
Official propaganda confined the role of women to family care and motherhood.

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