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well-meaning advice/comments

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

While presented as a buffoon in several strips, he was also presented as harmless and well-meaning.
Though well-meaning, her efforts often come off as callous to the reader.
His influence in her life is alternately helpful and mocking; he considers her well-meaning, but a crybaby and accident-prone.
She is well-meaning but does things without thinking.
Leo is a well-meaning and innocent boy, so it is easy for the lovers to manipulate him.
An intelligent and well-meaning person, she spends much of her time explaining concepts such as bacteria to people who aren't going to believe her.
However, at the time this was considered a well-meaning, inexpensive, and compassionate attempt to deal with the relatively new phenomenon of homelessness.
He was depicted as a well-meaning magical fan of the superhero.
He's generally kind-hearted and well-meaning, but also very sensitive and naive, not fully at home in the arctic wastes.
A series of well-meaning but horribly counterproductive laws passed during this decade 1970s, which gave an immense leg up to interest groups in the city.

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