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Prevodi za pronominal u rečniku engleski » nemački

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pro·nomi·nal [prə(ʊ)ˈnɒmɪnəl, Am proʊˈnɑ:mə-] ADJ LING

Pronominal- spec

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Verbs carry information on the subject of the sentence in the form of pronominal marking.
Often there is considerable inflectional morphology, from fully developed case marking systems to extensive pronominal morphology found on the verb.
Very closely related nouns can be drawn into a closer grammatical relationship by the addition of a pronominal suffix.
The matter is complicated even further when pronominal endings are added.
The evidence for this relies entirely on pronominal shapes, and yet there is significant variation in pronoun shapes in this linkage.
Languages with gender distinction generally have fewer cases of ambiguity concerning for example pronominal reference.
This distinction is faithfully reflected in the use of pronominal adverbs, and other pronouns also often have a corresponding adverbial form.
Possessors are also indicated in the noun phrase either by a nominal or a pronominal element.
They attach to verbs along with a specifier that attaches after the pronominal affix; due to their distribution properties these markers should be considered clitics.
These differences identify the pronominal declension, and a few adjectives follow this pattern.

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