engleski » nemački

Prevodi za controvert u rečniku engleski » nemački

(Pređite na nemački » engleski)

con·tro·vert [ˌkɒntrəˈvɜ:t, Am ˈkɑ:ntrəvɜ:rt] VB trans

1. controvert (dispute):

to controvert sth

2. controvert (refute):

to controvert sth
to controvert sth

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Many unverified cases (claims or traditions) have been controverted by reliable sources.
Doing so would controvert the most fundamental rule of a flexible exchange-rate regime: that each economy can set -- and pursue -- its own monetary-policy goals.
You may not agree with some of the conclusions but you would be hard put to controvert the facts as they are presented.
The complainant did not controvert or show the nexus between the accused person and the offences against him.
I believe the evidence against her was very strong, that it could have merited the participation of the defense to controvert the evidence.
She stated that the defendant presented overwhelming evidence before the court that was not controverted by the prosecution.
It's his turn to controvert it.
Although the figure was quite alarming, the report was never controverted.
But with the benefit of additional information which he could not controvert, it appears that he was sincerely wrong.
Therefore, he recommended a study of the scriptures in order to controvert such thinking.

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