word-perfect u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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She really was a perfectionist and always word-perfect.
Barker was not only funny but could be relied upon to deliver word-perfect renditions of the script when the cast met for pre-recording read-throughs.
These people have music in their bones and need little persuasion to burst into word-perfect renditions of the songs.
She sings along word-perfect with every song she hears.
But the biggest difference is that my mom is more word-perfect, verbatim, precise -- but you wouldn't know, because every performance is fresh.
An interrogator would read out the questions which were to be asked in court, and the accused had to recite word-perfect the scripted answer.
Foundations' however pulls in the slack and is unsurprisingly greeted with the biggest cheer of the evening, the crowd word-perfect throughout the song.
Those who take the dictionary to be word-perfect should take the time to look a little harder.
I want to write huge, complex novels that are word-perfect works of art.
His quotation from memory is nearly word-perfect though necessarily in translation.

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