voraciously u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Dusty-green caterpillars hatch after about two weeks and feed voraciously on the foliage of certain citrus and other evergreen trees.
It feeds voraciously, prefers crop plants, damages fruits, and forms swarms that travel "en masse".
A specimen in captivity fed voraciously on a diet of fruits.
He was, however, a man who wished to educate himself and for much of his life he self studied and read voraciously.
His musical tastes were exceptionally wide-ranging, though discriminating, and he read voraciously.
He remained largely unpopular, spending much time alone, reading voraciously.
Pike and perch attacked it voraciously, and his sons, who were young at the time, claim he would often bring in 600 pounds a day.
Conscious all his life of his lack of formal education, he made up for it by reading voraciously.
These areas are the feeding spots for the larvae, which emerge after a few days and eat voraciously for two weeks.
Unsatisfied, he settled in the country for four years during which he built up his book collection and read voraciously the works of historians.

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