veal cutlet u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

veal cutlet u rečniku PONS

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Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

I put on my music, relax, and create my specialty, double-dipped veal cutlet.
How about a veal cutlet with peppers and mushrooms in a whole grain artisan pita?
Set one of the veal cutlets on a work surface and cover with plastic wrap.
It arrived with two large veal cutlets, coated lightly and finished with a gob of melted mozzarella.
We also tried the linguini with seafood and red sauce, and a veal cutlet with mushrooms.
If you see one of these persons, clammy as an uncooked veal cutlet, encountering any difficulty getting one, do the right thing and offer a translation.
A veal cutlet was totally disappointing.
The company has also recalled an undetermined amount of veal cutlets sold to food services, not directly to consumers.

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