unreasoning u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Prevodi za unreasoning u rečniku italijanski»engleski (Pređite na engleski»italijanski)

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But it's worth remembering that all politics is "tribal", if by that you mean an unreasoning and passionate support for your own party.
Forced in a moment from their homes, they were fleeing a merciless, unreasoning, unpredictable enemy.
It is too frantic and unreasoning.
It seems that the type of commitment to a cause that leads to activism often leads to blinkered vision and unreasoning action.
Irrationality is unreasoning, these are not "reasons".
Against the freedom from unreasoning fears there is a feeling of malaise, of something lost.
With the lost of autonomy an individual becomes primitive, unreasoning, and emotional.
She may well be described as excitable, foolish, filled with unreasoning prejudices, prone to exaggeration to make a point, and prone to draw inferences which are unreasonable.
Unreasoning fear and political panic only serve our enemy.
It will try to crush and silence them, by scaring them and smearing them, and lying that they are unreasoning bigots.

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