tractor-trailer u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

tractor-trailer u rečniku PONS

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Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

It will take several tractor trailer trucks to transport the entire plane when it is dismantled.
It started small, selling from suitcases but rapidly the quantities rose to pickup loads to tractor trailer loads.
When it stopped, it was like a huge tractor trailer went off the top of me.
The van in which they were traveling in crossed the center line in poor weather and struck a tractor trailer.
Before entering politics, he worked as a tractor trailer driver.
The two contestants are first harnessed to a large tractor trailer tire (246 pounds for male players. 150 pounds for female contestants).
These include most tractor trailer trucks, like the for example.
This is also known as a tractor trailer.
To do this, the filmmakers configured a train engine on the chassis of a tractor trailer.
The truck itself is a large tractor trailer unit, powered by nuclear fusion and capable of operating in a vacuum.

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