tallboy u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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There was some medication sitting on the tallboy, in a zipped up bag, she had forgotten to put away in the medicine cupboard.
The tallboy is appreciated to break up all the tiles/glass in the room, and the matt tiles help break up the shininess of the room.
There was some medication sitting on the tallboy, in a zipped up bag, which she had forgotten to put away in the medicine cupboard.
Tallboy supplies the letter to the ring as soon as the text is approved.
It is often of bright colours to match the particular spinnaker with which it is designed to be used, is relatively narrow, and is sometimes called a tallboy or blooper.
The beer retails between $8.49 and $8.99 per six-pack of tallboy cans.
Tallboy too shows a surprising talent, when he knocks down a wicket with a perfect throw from deep in the field.
It's shortly after 2 p.m., and his last drink was around lunchtime, a premixed whisky tallboy.
It gave inspiration for the tallboy enemies, which lead to the idea of whale fuel to power them, and then whaling ships, and then the whole whale oil industry.
A huon pine tallboy chest of drawers flanked by bobbin-turned pilasters turned in an impressive $10,540 against an estimate of $1000 to $1500.

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