software package u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za software package u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Prevodi za software package u rečniku engleski»italijanski

software [Brit ˈsɒf(t)wɛː, Am ˈsɔf(t)wɛr] N

I.package [Brit ˈpakɪdʒ, Am ˈpækɪdʒ] N

5. package → package holiday

II.package [Brit ˈpakɪdʒ, Am ˈpækɪdʒ] VB trans

vidi i package holiday

software package u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za software package u rečniku engleski»italijanski

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

The software package includes a style-set of these features.
The software package includes 30 days of gameplay for no additional cost.
In 2007, the company purchased an innovative publishing software package which reduces composition time by eliminating manual page layout.
This is often an important part of the development of a software package.
While researching the requirements of this new software package, it became clear that a more marketable tool would be a high-speed file transfer product.
The central computer system uses a custom software package to control each aspect of the camera system, including motion, video, and obstacle avoidance.
Sometimes extra rules can be enforced, such as sticking to one particular software package, or keeping to a particular theme.
The community is also encouraged to take part in software package development, since the official software pool is considered limiting by some users.
A free, open-source software package for protein design and prediction of mutation effects on protein-folding stabilities and binding affinities.
I decided to develop a software package that would give a 24-hour picture.

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