smallholding u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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He may be able to supplement his income by selling surplus produce at a farmers market or at a permanent shop on the smallholding.
The next year the friary sold its remaining smaller properties including a smallholding and a field in nearby towns.
One problem was that farms were broken up into smallholdings, averaging 8.8 hectares in size, often not large enough to be economically viable.
A small number were full farmers, but by far the overwhelming number (84%) had only smallholdings or no possessions.
The original manor was then split into two smallholdings and five new white houses were built for small-holders.
Agricultural production includes produce such as plums, peaches, rice and cassava grown on rural smallholdings.
Part of the estate was divided up into smallholdings.
Rather, the term is used to refer to a number of different crimes committed against persons specifically on commercial farms or smallholdings.
They owned rights or smallholdings in 45 other locations.
Like his brothers and sisters, he also had to work on the family smallholding.

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