segmental u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Obliteration of vertebral end-plate landmarks by interbody fusion may make the traditional measurement of segmental lumbar lordosis more difficult.
The windows on the west facade were lengthened, the brownstone lintels removed and replaced by segmental-arched brick lintels.
The boundaries between the three types of segmental scripts are not always clear-cut.
It combines both an elliptical profile over most of the soffit with a segmental profile at its faces.
The monument has a segmental dome stilted on a drum which has rectangular depressions and four windows on each of the cardinal sides.
This segmental pattern is particularly evident in the vertebral column and in the ribcage.
The exterior of the structure features segmental-arched vehicle openings and quoined limestone frontispiece.
Most sources define mucosal prolapse as an external, segmental prolapse which is easily confused with prolapsed (3rd or 4th degree) hemorrhoids (piles).
The church's ribbed west door, in a segmental-pointed arch with broad chamfer is in the lower exterior stage.
These blast cells further proliferate and differentiate to form the segmental tissues of the annelid.

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