salience u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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However, the only association with of the stages with certain ages is in terms of importance and salience.
Framing assumes that each individual will have its own interpretation of an issue, regardless of the salience of an issue.
That is, transferring the salience of issue attributes (i.e., second-level agenda setting) is a function of accessibility.
Role of consciousness and accessibility of death-related thoughts in mortality salience effects.
Most research done on terror management theory revolves around the mortality salience paradigm.
Studies also show that mortality salience can also lead people to feel more inclined to punish minor moral transgressions.
This means, where there is a change in salience there is also a change in preferences.
The higher the salience of an object the more likely that schemas for that object will be made accessible.
According to this theory, people employ either shortcuts or thoughtful analysis based upon the context and salience of a particular issue.
Separating the effects of salience and disparity on the rate of observing.

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