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putrefying u rečniku PONS

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Putrefying bacteria is one of the main processes in the nitrogen cycle; other than putrefying bacteria there are denitrifying bacteria, nitrifying bacteria and nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
Or he could be sporting a 50-day aged steak at the family party, putrefied to attain that prized umami nuance.
Journalists have proven themselves to be the true scavengers, with not a hint of hesitation at feeding at putrefying stories that were better buried long ago.
I am drawn to vacant sites with structural deterioration and putrefied artifacts.
They had started to putrefy.
The two compounds are largely responsible for the foul odor of putrefying flesh, but also contribute to the odor of such processes as bad breath and bacterial vaginosis.
Zombies were originally just re-animated dead with putrefying organs so you wouldn't expect them to run around very fast.
He wrote in his journal that it was putrefying.
With time, the perfume seems to grow even sweeter -- another thing it has in common with putrefying bodies, it turns out.
After a few days should any of the tins show symptoms of bulging from the formation of putrefying gases, they were condemned.

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