positronium u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Prevodi za positronium u rečniku italijanski»engleski (Pređite na engleski»italijanski)

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

The energy of the photons from positronium should differ slightly by the binding energy of the molecule.
The researchers made the positronium hydride molecules by firing intense bursts of positrons into methane, which has the highest density of hydrogen atoms.
Electrons and positrons drifting through space will encounter one another and occasionally form positronium atoms.
Positronium could then turn into mirror positronium and then decay into mirror photons.
Positronium has been studied since the 1950s to understand bound states in quantum field theory.
For positronium, the formula uses the reduced mass also, but in this case, it is exactly the electron mass divided by 2.
Charged leptons can combine with other particles to form various composite particles such as atoms and positronium, while neutrinos rarely interact with anything, and are consequently rarely observed.
Thus, for positronium, its reduced mass only differs from the rest mass of the electron by a factor of 2.
By changing the temperature at which a sample is analyzed, the pore structure can be fit to a model where positronium is confined in one, two, or three dimensions.
Even for simple systems such as the positronium, the equation can not be solved exactly although the equation can in principle be formulated exactly.

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