piteous u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

piteous u rečniku PONS

piteous Primeri iz rečnika PONS (ručno uređeno)

a piteous sight

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

And without going into reasons for the slack state of these young men, he indicates that they are piteous and merit some sympathy too.
She fingered the thread and slipped it through her lips with gratifying immersion, all the piteous miseries of her life seemingly summoned in her wiry hands.
In other cases, a piteous confusion sets in.
Is there anything quite as piteous as a defeated boxer?
Here an elephant is swallowed alive by a python, and while the elephant is struggling, a lion, attracted by its piteous calls, also comes, attacking it from the head.
And all their piteous platitudes of pain.
The sky and the air free of the piteous groans of the oppressed.
From time to time, we may still hear his piteous groans.
Humor is wedged into the anguish to relieve tension, but it's the kind of piteous drollery only the young would find witty.
Their piteous sense of entitlement and acute bigotry should yield to the influences of education, humaneness and culture.

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