pent u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

pent u rečniku PONS

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

At this stage operations were halted because there was a danger of pent-up water behind the barrier bursting through.
Exercise in particular would help people with pent-up stress and adrenaline.
In emulation of his patriarchal hero, the merchant plays the tyrant at home, but when the war ends, his angry family members air their long pent-up grievances against him.
True states that the song evokes a sense of pent-up energy through shards of guitar and feedback which riccochet past your ear.
Eventually the pent-up waters break through the city walls.
Woo had become increasingly mentally unstable since then and seeks to unleash his pent-up rage in any way he can.
A free opening must be provided for the egress of any pent-up matter.
Having led a tough life in the military and lost most of his close ones, he is an embittered soul with much angst and pent-up frustration about life.
There is a lot of pent-up anger among the garment labourers who work in extremely stressful conditions and are not allowed to unionise to voice their demands.
Now we're poised to satisfy pent-up demand by replacing our clunkers with the most fuel-efficient vehicle fleet in history.

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