parenchyma u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

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Local anaesthetic is injected into the parenchyma of both testes.
Infections in dead-end hosts are characterized by excessive fibrosis, thick-walled encapsulation of flukes within hepatic parenchyma, and black pigmentation of various tissues.
After they hatch, the small caterpillars only eat the tissue (parenchyma) between the veins of the leaves.
The larva spins a leaf into a capacious pod and eats the parenchyma, scarifying the inner surface.
The larvae eat the entire parenchyma, leaving merely the dark discoloured cuticles of the leaf.
Such laboratory findings suggest obstruction of the bile ducts, rather than inflammation or infection of the liver parenchyma, as the primary cause of the jaundice.
In animals, a parenchyma comprises the functional parts of an organ and in plants parenchyma is the ground tissue of nonwoody structures.
This leads to a somewhat inflated mine in which most of the parenchyma is consumed.
The consequential cellularly neutralized parenchyma implies several advantages to effectively restoring an unhealthy, missing, or damaged membrane.
It induces extensive and severe necrosis of the tissues of the mucosa and submucosa of cecum and parenchyma of the liver.

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