low-speed u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

low-speed u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za low-speed u rečniku italijanski»engleski

videolento® [vi·de·o·ˈlɛn·to] N m TELEC

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

Typical bore size for low-speed engines ranges from approximately 35to98cm in.
At low altitudes, the low-speed gear would be used in order to keep the manifold temperatures low.
Their task, low-speed drag haulage, was the diesel locomotive's forte.
Some smaller crossings, particularly pedestrian crossings on low-speed lines, have only a warning sign and raised pathway across the track itself.
The primary butterfly is directly controlled by one of the 5 throttle cables, and this primary circuit gives decent low-speed running.
The more common arrangement for the later low-speed military bar grip was to use straight bars, but relying on the centre rib to avoid their vibration problems on tarmac.
Most systems and features worked with few or no problems, while the boats' maximum speed, manoeuvrability, and low-speed submerged endurance were found to exceed specifications.
The result is an engine with better low-speed power without sacrificing high-speed power.
Bottom line: the team has proven the ability to fly tailless aircraft to the edge of the low-speed envelope safely.
Wing mounted spoilers were retained from the 1-26, allowing steep low-speed descents at about a 5:1 glide ratio.

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