lateen u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

All along the coast, many towns promote the age-old practice of fishing by lateen sail boats for tourism and on festival occasions.
Locally built traditional lateen sail fishing boats (luggers) can be spotted in the harbour.
The balancelle, a Mediterranean coasting and fishing boat of the 19th century, also used a single lateen sail.
It had a foremast with square sails and three other masts with a lateen each, for a total of 4 masts.
Settees had two lateen-rigged masts, like xebecs or galleys, but carrying settee sails.
It was usually square-rigged on the foremast and mainmast and lateen-rigged on the mizzenmast.
Expecting trouble, the fighting ships hoist up their lateen sails and load up their cannon.
Advances in shipbuilding included the multi-masted ships with lateen sails, the sternpost-mounted rudder and the skeleton-first hull construction.
The mainmast was lateen-rigged with a trapezoidal mainsail, but the foremast carried the conventional square course and square topsail.
Instead, the lowest sail on the mizzen was usually a fore/aft sailoriginally a lateen sail, but later a gaff sail called a spanker or driver.

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