hoi polloi u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

hoi polloi u rečniku PONS

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hoi polloi [ˌhɔɪ··ˈlɔɪ] N

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

But some renters do come from the hoi polloi, treating themselves to an upmarket break.
The first industrial revolution boosted the income of hoi polloi and reshaped society over decades as manual labour was displaced by machine-based manufacturing.
The press has always comprised the hoi polloi.
The idea is that you stay nicely ahead of the hoi polloi.
It's about the reading public -- the great unwashed, the hoi polloi -- no longer letting tastemakers decide what's worth reading.
They didn't want the hoi polloi walking on their land, that was the top and bottom of it.
Out of touch with modernity, they'll tell you, the hoi polloi now distracts itself with strange conspiracies.
To me, they are primarily a show of order, a willingness on the part of the hoi polloi to abide by the rule of law.
Irreverent, acerbic, edgy, well-read, flippant, disdainful of the hoi polloi yet also generous, transcendent.
The sole reason for this was to flaunt their elegance to the hoi polloi walking past below.

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