guesstimate u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

guesstimate u rečniku PONS

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guesstimate [ˈges··mət] N inf

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

But he probably saved himself quite a bit more than the guesstimate above.
We don't have hard data about that, but my guesstimate would be that maybe it's 40 or 50 per cent.
In the early hybrid vehicle days, guesstimates ranged from $4,000 to $8,000 -- but they were pure guesses because none had been replaced yet.
To me these are much more intuitive and also enable quick guesstimates to be made on magnitudes when faced with multiples sums.
That is, in a world of uncertainty forecasts are, well, pretty much really just guesstimates.
There are guesstimates online as to what the budget might be, though the consensus is in the $150-$175 million realm.
Like all future tech, we can only guesstimate.
Certainly the data has always been volatile with a massive standard deviation relative to the market's usual monthly guesstimates.
Because some are paid more that others, you just have to create an average guesstimate.
And as we've said before, there's also a guesstimate gap of about $77.5 billion in the white paper costings.

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