gallivant u rečniku italijanskog jezika Oksford‒Paravia

Prevodi za gallivant u rečniku engleski»italijanski

gallivant [Brit ˈɡalɪvant, ˌɡalɪˈvant, Am ˈɡæləˌvænt] VB intr

gallivant → gallivant aroundgallivant about,

I.gallivant around VB [ˈɡalɪvant, ˌɡalɪˈvant -] VB [ˈɡalɪvant, ˌɡalɪˈvant -] (gallivant around)

II.gallivant around VB [ˈɡalɪvant, ˌɡalɪˈvant -] VB [ˈɡalɪvant, ˌɡalɪˈvant -] (gallivant around [sth])

gallivant u rečniku PONS

Prevodi za gallivant u rečniku engleski»italijanski

gallivant Primeri iz rečnika PONS (ručno uređeno)

to gallivant around

Jednojezični primeri (nisu ih verifikovali PONS urednici)

There should be no room for students to waste time gallivanting instead of studying.
And, hey, who wouldn't want to aimlessly gallivant across a countryside that looks so gorgeous it makes you question your own attractiveness?
Gallivant to the times of yore when the land of the free was wet behind the ears.
Video footage of the runaway rhea gallivanting on a golf course has focused the search for the potentially dangerous creature.
In some ways we get to live out the technological dream -- trying out gadgets and games early and gallivanting around the world.
Don't be afraid to gallivant around on the hunt for new pieces rather than storming temples.
The best they can do is gallivanting around streets, lamenting how they were colonised.
I try to do business like a knight -- acting chivalrously but not being a pushover or gallivanting about.
Relax, guys -- he's not using you to gallivant across the land for free.
A "zootopia" where children gallivant with wild beasts?

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