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These primates appear to have been frugivorous and diurnal, with keen eyesight.
However, frugivorous tortoises, lizards, amphibians and even fish also disperse seeds.
Mammals are considered frugivorous if the seed is dispersed and able to establish.
These birds are mostly frugivorous, but will take winged termites and other insects opportunistically.
The bird is largely frugivorous on mangos, ripe jack, papaya, banana, figs and similar cultivated fruit trees.
The flocks they join are usually the lower level ones rather than canopy flocks, and are usually those insectivorous ones rather than frugivorous ones.
The fruit are eaten by frugivorous birds, which disperse the seeds in their droppings.
Unlike most species of gecko, this species is an omnivore, also considered frugivorous, feeding on a variety of insects and fruit.
It is primarily frugivorous with a tendency to exhibit folivory in times of fruit scarcity.
Due to their frugivorous nature, they have rarely been observed on the ground foraging for insects or small vertebrates.

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